The Benefits of Stretching

Stretching, in its most basic form, is a natural and instinctive activity. People often stretch after waking from sleep or long periods of inactivity. As a form of exercise, stretching involves elongating a specific muscle or muscle group to its fullest length. Static stretching is slowly elongating the muscle through its full range of motion, then holding it at a position where it is at full extension (without pain). The stretch is held for 15 to 30 seconds.

As we age, our muscles tighten and we have less range of motion in our joints. Simple activities we once took for granted, picking things up from the floor, tying your shoes or zipping a dress, can all become more difficult. A regular stretching program can help lengthen your muscles and make these daily activities easier and more enjoyable.

Stretching, done properly, helps to relax tense muscles caused from stress. The feeling of relaxation brings a sense of well-being and relief from tension. Greater flexibility and range of motion in the hamstrings and muscles of the hips and pelvis help reduce lower back pain. How often should you stretch? Research shows daily stretching, once per muscle group for 30 seconds, can result in an increased range of motion.

1. Stretching increases flexibility.
Flexibility is the degree to which an individual muscle will lengthen. As you get older, your muscles begin to shorten and tighten, restricting your flexibility. This restricted flexibility causes your movement to become slower and less fluid and makes you more susceptible to muscle strains, ligament sprains and other soft tissue injuries. Stretching is the most effective way to increase flexibility.

2. Stretching improves circulation.
Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles and joints. Increased blood flow brings more nutrients to your cells and removes more waste byproducts from your muscles. Increased blood flow can also help you recover faster from muscle and joint injuries.

3. Stretching improves posture.
Stretching keeps your muscles from getting tight, helping you to maintain good posture. Chronically tense and tight muscles contribute to poor posture, which in turn can affect the functioning of our internal organs, not to mention our appearance. Stretching the muscles of the lower back, shoulders and chest can help keep the back in better alignment and improve posture.

4. Stretching improves balance and coordination.
The increased flexibility that comes from stretching improves balance and coordination. Improved balance and coordination will lower your risk of falling and injuring yourself.

5. Stretching can often alleviate lower back pain.
Stiff and tight muscles in the lower back, hamstrings, buttocks and hips is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. Stretching these muscles will help alleviate the pain.

6. Stretching is good for the heart.
Recent studies have found that stretching can lower blood pressure and improve artery function.

Stretching after Exercise is better
I always thought you were supposed to stretch before exercise, but research shows stretching after exercise is more beneficial. Stretching after exercise helps relax and balance tension on muscles you have just exercised. You may also do your stretching routine as its own activity separate from cardio or strength training.

To recap; some of the benefits of stretching include:

  • relief from pain
  • increased energy levels
  • increased flexibility
  • better range of motion of the joints
  • greater circulation of blood to various parts of the body
  • relaxation and stress relief
  • enhanced muscular coordination
  • improved posture
  • enhanced sense of well-being

I began a stretching routine a few years ago. I listen to soft music and spend approximately 20 minutes slowly stretching every muscle group. I feel completely relaxed and free of tension afterward. If I haven’t stretched for a week or so, I can feel it. Whether you stretch after exercise or as a separate activity, I encourage you to make stretching part of your fitness program. You will soon notice the benefits and be hooked.

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