Are You Happy with The Way You Look?

My main objective in writing this blog is to improve the health and vitality of my readers by encouraging you to take care of yourself. For me personally, it is not about being thin; it is about being HEALTHY.  I want to maintain a healthy weight for my height and age. What feels right to me may not feel right to you. It is a personal choice. I have a medium frame; I am 5’4 ¾” tall with a pear-shaped body. Yes, I would like to weigh less, but my main goal to maintain my health as I age. I do that by exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.

In advertising and Hollywood circles, I would be considered obese. I am within a healthy weight range for my height and age, but I am far from being a size zero. I am the size of the average American woman. As you know, the weight loss and fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar business. They make their millions off society’s desire to be thin.  Unfortunately, millions of people waste hundreds of dollars on worthless schemes and gimmicks trying to achieve their ideal weight.

There is no magic pill or powder and you don’t have to spend a fortune to reach a healthy weight. The long term solution to maintaining a healthy weight is pretty simple. Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. It’s not rocket science, although it is based on a formula:  Calories IN – Calories OUT = Your Weight.  The calories you consume through food and drink minus the calories you burn through activity.

If you are overweight, you are consuming too many calories and not exercising enough. If you want to lose weight, you need to consume less and exercise more. It’s that simple. You cannot make up for abusing your body for 10 – 20 years in a short period of time. There is no fast and easy way to lose 20 pounds or more. It takes dedication and commitment. That is the hard part. The solution is easy; but the dedication and commitment is where most people fail because they are looking for a quick fix.

I also am writing today’s blog to discuss body and self-image issues of women and girls. I know men have body issues, but they are nowhere close to the extreme issues women have. In magazines, advertisements, on television and in the movies, the image of a beautiful woman is most often portrayed as a very thin woman or girl with large breasts. Most of the women and models in the movies, on television and in advertisements would be considered medically underweight. Where this affects the average woman and young girl is when we compare ourselves to the models and actresses and end up feeling inadequate and fat. We feel we are not beautiful and lose self-confidence in ourselves. We feel unworthy as if something is wrong with us because we don’t look like the women in magazines.

Most of the actresses and models in business today have had surgery to enhance their breasts and they are on the verge of being anorexic or bulimic. They have personal trainers who exercise with them daily, cooks who prepare their meals, makeup and hair stylists, and have nothing but designer clothes. While I was taking graphic design in college, I learned a big secret of the advertising industry. There is a HUGE amount of manipulation going on with digital photography especially in advertising. A woman in a photograph for a magazine could be totally different in reality than how she appears in a magazine ad. Digital photo manipulation can whittle a waist, shorten a long nose, enlarge breasts, reduce hips and thighs, eliminate cellulite, etc. The truth is we are comparing ourselves to manipulated images, instead of reality.

The bottom line for me is being healthy. I believe health is beautiful whether you are a size zero or a size 10. Eating right and exercising regularly gives you a healthy glow too. If you neglect your health through smoking, drinking and eating too much, not exercising, etc. you will pay the consequences. You will be overweight and eventually develop health concerns, even serious or life threatening diseases. That is why I take care of myself. I take care of myself to have the energy to live my life. I want to live an energetic life well into my 70’s and 80’s. If I take care of myself now, I have a good chance of reaching my goal. I want to be a fun grandma who can do things with her grandchildren. Ultimately God is in control, but taking care of yourself is part of honoring Him and the body He gave you.

I hope my blog inspires you to live a healthy lifestyle. I encourage you to take care of yourself because YOU’RE WORTH IT! Your loved ones will appreciate it and you will reap the benefits. As always: Make One Healthy Choice Today and You’re On Your Way to Being Healthy!

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